

发音:   用"分歧图"造句
  • ambiguity diagram
  • 分歧:    divergent; different; discor ...
  • :    picture; chart; drawing; map
  • 分歧:    1.(不一致; 有差别) difference; divergence; virgation 意见分歧 divergence of views; differences of opinion; 原则分歧 a difference in principle; 制造分歧 create dissension; sow discord; 中国认为第三世界国家的分歧是有是有非, 有曲有直的。 china believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between third world countries. 大家对这个问题的看法还存在分歧。 people still have different opinions on this question.2.[数学] bifurcation; ramification; 分歧点 [数学] ramification point; divergence; difference
  • 分岔;分歧:    diverge
  • 分歧,分开:    diverge


        分歧:    divergent; different; discor ...
        :    picture; chart; drawing; map
        分歧:    1.(不一致; 有差别) difference; divergence; virgation 意见分歧 divergence of views; differences of opinion; 原则分歧 a difference in principle; 制造分歧 create dissension; sow discord; 中国认为第三世界国家的分歧是有是有非, 有曲有直的。 china believes that there are rights and wrongs involved in the disputes between third world countries. 大家对这个问题的看法还存在分歧。 people still have different opinions on this question.2.[数学] bifurcation; ramification; 分歧点 [数学] ramification point; divergence; difference
        分岔;分歧:    diverge
        分歧,分开:    diverge
        分歧,裂缝:    rift
        分歧;差距:    difference
        分歧;离题:    diverge
        分歧的:    branching; divaricate; divergent; forky; furcate; ramified
        分歧地:    divaricately
        分歧点:    bifurcation point; branch point; branching point; branchpoinnt; divarication; divergence point; divergency; parting; point of divergence; ramification point
        分歧度:    measure of diversity
        分歧集:    bifurcation set
        分歧阶:    ramification order
        分歧节:    branched knot
        分歧群:    ramification group
        分歧数:    ramification number
        分歧域:    ramification field
        分歧值:    bifurcational valve; bifurcationalvalue; ramification valve
        分歧锥:    bifurcation cone
        有分歧:    at variance
        变更分歧:    variance
        产生分歧:    lead to divergence; produce divergence
        代数分歧点:    algebraic branch point
        道德分歧:    moral disagreement


  1. "分歧射线"英文
  2. "分歧事情分叉(叉开)的程度"英文
  3. "分歧数"英文
  4. "分歧素理想"英文
  5. "分歧套管"英文
  6. "分歧问题"英文
  7. "分歧性状"英文
  8. "分歧衣酸"英文
  9. "分歧意见"英文
  10. "分歧域"英文


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