Automatic registration in a distributed transaction is demonstrated by logging changes in inventory to an auditing database stored on a separate server . - 通过将库存中的更改记录到独立服务器上存储的审核数据库来说明如何在分步式事务中进行自动注册。
In the paper the basic knowledge of socket programming is introduced . for users " convenience , the technology of web is employed . in order to solute the security of distributed scanner , the ssl protocol is employed 本文还针对分步式漏洞扫描系统存在的安全问题,提出解决该问题的方法安全通信的模式,采用了ssl协议。
A security issue has been identified in the step - by - step interactive training application that could allow an attacker to compromise your microsoft windows - based system and gain control over it 现已确认step - by - step interactive training分步式交互培训应用程序中有一个安全问题,攻击者可能会利用此问题危及microsoft windows系统的安全并获取对该系统的控制权。
A security issue has been identified in the step - by - step interactive training application that could allow an attacker to compromise your microsoft windows - based system and gain control over it . you can help protect your computer by installing this update from microsoft 现已确认step - by - step interactive training (分步式交互培训)应用程序中有一个安全问题,攻击者可能会利用此问题危及microsoft windows系统的安全并获取对该系统的控制权。
Aiming at the height - field transitional state sampled from planar topology , the simplification process based on th distance and the refining process based on appearance attribute can be separated with the help of the hierarchical qua - tree storage . as the result of successful separation of the above 2 processes , the hierarchical multi - resolution expression can be generated with real - time interactivity , in which the appearance of each resolution can be also preserved 提出了过渡状态的多分辨率表达方法,针对工程实际中各类高度场过渡状态数据对象,通过层次四叉树的存储结构将基于rh特性的简化过程与基于显示效果的细化控制过程相分离,分步式地实现了多分辨率层次细节表达的交互性与实时性,而且使得特定分辨率下的表达具有显示效果保持的特点。