分期付款: pay by instalments购物: shopping协议: agree on租购协议;分期付款购物协议: hire-purchase agreement分期付款购物: buying on the installment plan分期付款购物法。: easy-payment system; easy-purchase system分期付款购货 分期付款购买: instalmentbuying分期付款购货: hire purchase; installment buying; installment purchase; instalment buying分期付款购买: hire purchase company; hire purchase noun; hirepurchase; installment buying; instalment purchase分期付款购入: purchase on installment分期付款购置: easy purchase分期付款购货法: installment plan分期付款购货信贷: hire purchase credit; hirepurchasecredit分期付款购买办法: hire-purchase分期付款购买法: hire purchase; hire system; hirepurchase; hiring system; hiringsystem分期付款购买合同: hire purchase agreement; hirepurchaseagreement分期付款购买某物: buy sth. on the never-never分期付款购买制度: hire-purchase system国际分期付款购货: international hire purchase租购,分期付款购买: hire purchase租购,分期付款购货: hire purchase分期付款协议: hiring agreement按月分期付款购买某物: pay for sth. by / in monthly installments分期付款购货的附加价格: carrying charge分期付款购货合同放款: loan under hire purchase agreement