分时: time division; time-share; t ...应用: apply; use; application; app ...分时应用程序库: time-sharing application library及时应用: be administered in time实时应用: real time application; real-time application需求实时应用: demanding real time application计算机在线实时应用语言: coral computer online real-time applications language图形实时应用显示支持系统: gradss graphics real time applications display support system应用分时方法的工业: time sharing industry分时: time division; time-share; time sharing即时应答: immediate acknowledgment瞬时应变: i tantaneous strain; immediate strain; instantaneous strain瞬时应力: instantaneous stress; transient stress暂时应变: temporary strain暂时应力: temporary stress应用: apply; use; application; appliance; utilization; utility 把理论应用于实践 apply theory to practice; 新技术在工业上的应用 application of new technique to industry; 将法律应用于案件上 the application of the law to a case; 电子计算机已越来越广泛地在各个领域得到应用。 computer has found an increasingly wide utilization in all fields. 这种药应用得很广泛。 this medicine is widely used.; 应用科学 applied science; 应用文 practical writing; 应用研究 application study; applied research; 应用语言学 applied linguistics焊接瞬时应力: transient welding stress临时应急电源: temporary emergency electrical power source临时应急围堰: temporary coffering临时应急修理: jury repairs临时应急照明: temporary emergency lighting临时应急装置: juryrig蠕变瞬时应变: instantaneous strain in creep战时应急管线: war emergency pipe line分时basic: time-shared basic