By combining the idea of inverse system and ann ath - order inverse system , the optimal control theory and the strategy of decentralized and coordinated control , this paper studies the stability control of one machine and multi - machine power system 本文根据逆系统方法、神经网络方法、最优控制理论及分散协调控制理论的特点,综合运用于电力系统单机、多机系统的稳定控制。
In this paper the method of inverse system and ath - order inverse system are introduced , then it studies the application of the method of inverse system and supervised neural controller in the excitation controlling of one machine infinite bus power system . after introducing the method of ann a th - order inverse system it studies its application in the excitation controlling of one machine system . at last as t the emphasis of this paper , combining the theory of multi - machine decentralized and coordinated control , the method of ann ath - order inverse system is studied how to be used in the excitation control of multi - machine power system 本文首先介绍了逆系统和阶积分逆系统理论,接着研究了逆系统方法和神经网络监督学习控制理论在单机?无穷大系统励磁控制的综合应用;然后在介绍了神经网络阶逆系统控制理论后,研究了神经网络逆系统方法在单机?无穷大系统励磁控制中的应用;最后作为本文研究重点,首次将神经网络逆系统方法应用于多机电力系统稳定控制,研究了神经网络逆系统方法在多机系统励磁控制中的应用情况,并结合多机系统最优分散协调控制理论,设计出基于神经网络逆系统方法的多机电力系统分散协调励磁控制器,进行了控制系统仿真和效果分析。