分支: branch; subfield; offtake; b ...矿脉: a vein of ore; mineral vein支矿脉: branched lode矿脉: [采矿工程] mineral vein; mineral ore; reef; ore vein; ore lode; vein; lode; wythern; rokes分支: s branch分支: branch; subfield; offtake; branching; twig; angle tee; ramification; embranchment; filiation; forking 英国民族的两个分支 the two branches of the english race; 以研究文学的某一分支为职业 adopt some branch of literature as a profession矿脉;含矿脉: lode薄矿脉: low vein单矿脉: simple vein; simplevein副矿脉: companion lode富矿脉: bonanza; pay lead含矿脉: ore bearing vein; orebearingvein厚矿脉: strong vein金矿脉: auriferous vein; gold vein; reef巨矿脉: champion lode; champion vein; championvein矿脉,矿壁: reef矿脉壁: cab; salband矿脉层: lode formation矿脉顶: apex of vein; back of lode矿脉瘤: pocket矿脉区: lode claim; vein claim矿脉群: group of lodes矿脉柱: columns-of ore劣矿脉: coose铝矿脉: lead vein