

发音:   用"分支企业"造句
  • affiliated enterprise
  • 分支:    branch; subfield; offtake; b ...
  • 企业:    enterprise; establishment; b ...
  • 企业分支单位:    robo
  • s分支:    s branch
  • 分支:    branch; subfield; offtake; branching; twig; angle tee; ramification; embranchment; filiation; forking 英国民族的两个分支 the two branches of the english race; 以研究文学的某一分支为职业 adopt some branch of literature as a profession


  1. As a global fortune 500 company with more than 324 , 000 employees , sodexho has established more than 24 , 000 contract operations in 76 countries by end of 2005
    截止到2005年底,索迪斯联盟全球拥有员工32 . 4万人,在76个国家中设立了超过2万个分支企业
  2. We investigate the orgnazation construct , operation procedure and information flow in every part of the enterprise by mastering the material flow and the information flow
  3. Foreign direct investment ( fdi ) means that a national corporation or an individual ( a direct investor or sub - company of the national corporation ) set a new corporation abroad or invest on other corporations abroad . ever since the world war ii , fdi has been starting to take a place all over the world


        分支:    branch; subfield; offtake; b ...
        企业:    enterprise; establishment; b ...
        企业分支单位:    robo
        s分支:    s branch
        分支:    branch; subfield; offtake; branching; twig; angle tee; ramification; embranchment; filiation; forking 英国民族的两个分支 the two branches of the english race; 以研究文学的某一分支为职业 adopt some branch of literature as a profession
        第十三条民办非企业单位不得设立分支机构:    a peoplerun nonenterprise unit shall not set ua branchch
        企业:    enterprise; establishment; business 创办新企业 launch a new enterprise; 公私合营企业 a state-private enterprise; 国营企业 state-owned enterprise; 工矿企业 factories, mines and other enterprises; 毫无利润的企业 an enterprise fruitless of profit; 外商独资企业 sole foreign-funded enterprises; 有利可图的企业 a paying proposition; 中外合资企业 sino-foreign joint-venture business; 中外合作企业 sino-foreign co-operative enterprises; 企业背景 business background; 企业标准 company standard; enterprise standard; 企业财务 business finance; 企业承包 contracting by enterprise; 企业成本 cost in business; business cost; 企业倒闭 business failure; 企业发展规划 enterprise expansion projects; 企业发展基金 enterprise expansion fund; venture expansion fund; 企业法 business law; 企业分配关系 income distribution in enterprise; 企业工会 enterprise union; 企业公司 enterprise-like corporation; business corporation; 企业顾问 business consultant; 企业管理 management of enterprise; businessadministration; business management; 企业横向经济联合 horizontal economic ties between enterprises; 企业基金 enterprise fund; business fund; 企业基金制 enterprise fund system; 企业集团 business conglomerate; consortium; enterprise groups [association]; group [association] of enterprises; conglomeration; 企业技术改造 technological transformation of enterprises; 企业家 entrepreneur; business executives; enterpriser; industrialist; 企业界 business circles; 企业经营机制 managerial mechanism of enterprise; 企业经营经济学 managerial economics; 企业经济责任制 system of economic responsibility of enterprises; 企业景气 business condition; 企业救济 unemployment relief is administered by enterprises.; 企业亏损 loss of enterprise; 企业类型 form of business enterprise; 企业利润留成比例 proportion of profits retained by enterprise; 企业利润率 earning ratio; 企业破产 business failures; 企业生产能力 productive capacity of enterprise; 企业实用技术 enterprise operative technology; 企业税 taxes on enterprises; 企业所得税 business income tax; 企业所有权与经营权分开 separate enterprise ownership from managerial authority; 企业停业清理 voluntary winding-up; 企业往来帐户 business account; 企业文化 enterprise culture; 企业责任 business accountability; 企业折旧基金 depreciation funds earmarked for enterprises; 企业资本帐户 firm capital account; 企业自决权 right of self-decision of the enterprise; 企业自有资金 funds at the disposal of enterprises; enterprise's own resources; 企业自治 enterprise autonomy; 企业自主权 the power of decision of enterprises; 企业租赁制 enterprise-leasing system; 企业组织法 law of business organization
        p分支:    p-branch
        q分支:    q branch
        次分支:    subbranch
        分支,支线:    branch
        分支dna:    branched dna
        分支,分部:    branch noun
        分支;兄弟:    br branch;brother
        分支;支化:    branching
        分支;转位:    branch
        分支比:    bifurcation ratio; branching ratio
        分支表:    branch list
        分支部:    branching portion
        分支带:    branch strip
        分支的:    affiliated; bifurcated; branched; branchy; lateral; ramose; subsidiary; tapped
        分支点:    bifurcation point; branch point; branching off point; branchpoint; burst node; fork; point of branching; point of divergence; point, branch; ramification point; tapping point
        分支阀:    root valve
        分支法:    branch method
        分支根:    branched root


  1. "分支配电线"英文
  2. "分支皮带运输机"英文
  3. "分支片段长度"英文
  4. "分支平行总线"英文
  5. "分支歧管"英文
  6. "分支切割"英文
  7. "分支亲系"英文
  8. "分支驱动器"英文
  9. "分支渠"英文
  10. "分支群指令"英文


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