分成: divide into; separate into几: how many份: portion; share的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...分成几部分: apportionment; fractionalize; merotomize; merotomy被分成几部份: divided into parts 分成几部分的: dipartite分成几个小区试验: be separated into some plots to test这些书可分成几类: these books fall into several categories分成多部份的: multipartite几份: partly把大家分成几个小组: divide all the people into smaller groups把一个长句分成几个较短的句子: split a long sentence into shorter ones分成: divide into; separate into 这条河从这儿分成两条支流。 the river divides here into two branches. 这些书可分成几类。 these books fall into several categories. 句子可以分成分句, 分句能分成短语。 sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases. 从地形上美国可以分成 3个主要地区。 physiographically, the united states may be separated into three major divisions找几份工作: take useveral jobs安份的: competition; ulick备份的: backup; spare部份的: fractional; partialness; sectional; segmentary充份的: long; plenty过份的: fabulous; loud; tall; unreasonable十份的: decamerous双份的: double水份的: wet成几何级数地: in a geometric progression分隔成几部分: compart