We will test the machr antibodies in causing decreased glandular secretion . we also use patients sera to screen a phage display - library in order to identify other autoantigens autoantibodies 我们将利用蛋白体学,分子细胞学,免疫组织学及生理学研究方法来研究唾液线分泌减少之致病机转。
Researchers from the european molecular biology laboratory [ embl ] in grenoble and heidelberg , the institut de biologie structurale [ ibs ] and the unit of irus host cell interactions [ uhci ] * , both in grenoble , hae now produced the first 3 - dimensional image of part of this key protein 现在,格勒诺布尔和海德堡的欧洲分子细胞学实验室和格勒诺布尔的生物结构研究所及病毒宿主细胞相互作用部门的研究者们展示了部分这种关键蛋白质的首个三维影象