

发音:   用"分发传真"造句


  1. Receive fax - in and sort by dept . distribute fax once a day


        分发:    distribute; hand out; issue; ...
        传真:    portraiture telautogram; fac ...
        发传真:    on the web; send a fax
        应要求发传真:    fax-on-demand
        传真电报;发传真电报:    fax
        分发:    distribute; hand out; issue; dispense 分发证件 issue certificates individually; 分发慰问品 distribute gifts as an expression of gratitude or appreciation, sympathy or solicitude; 老师给全班学生分发考卷。 the teacher distributed the examination papers round the class
        发传单:    distribute leaflets
        传真:    1.(写真, 指画家描绘人物的形状) portraiture2.[讯] (利用电信号传输以传送文字、文件、图表等的通讯方式) telautogram; facsimile; fax; phototelegraphy; radiophoto; telephoto; telephotography; wirephoto 无线电传真 radio facsimile; radiophotography; 传真发送观场实况 phototelegraph what happened on the spot; 传真报纸 telenewspaper; 传真传送[输] facsimile transmission; 传真电报 facsimile telegram; facsimile (copying) telegraph; telephotograph; phototelegram; writing telegraph; pantelegraphy phototelegraph; telautogram; wirephoto; telephoto; radio facsimile; 传真感光纸 facsimile paper; 传真广播 faxcasting; 传真机 facsimile apparatus [equipment]; fax; facsimile printer; 传真收发二用机 facsimile transceiver; 传真照片 [讯] wirephoto; radiophoto; telephoto; radiophotograph; telephotography; 传真装置 picture unit
        并发传染:    concurrent infection
        点发传球:    snappy pass
        对……发传票:    serve a process on
        发传单的人:    leafleteer
        击发传动杆:    transfer bar
        激发传递:    excitation energy transfer
        散发传单:    verteilung von flugblttern/ flyers
        突发传输:    burst acoustic emission signal; burst transfer; burst transmission
        突发传送:    bursts
        新发传染病:    eid; emerging infectious diseases
        自发传输:    spontaneous transmission
        猝发传输:    burst transmission
        猝发传输率:    burst rate
        分发,放出:    give out
        分发,散发:    hand out
        分发,分布:    distribute verb
        分发,分配:    distribute v. give out or deliver; divide among several or many


  1. "分发保持期"英文
  2. "分发表"英文
  3. "分发表对象"英文
  4. "分发材料"英文
  5. "分发出"英文
  6. "分发单位"英文
  7. "分发的"英文
  8. "分发的磁盘带"英文
  9. "分发的教材"英文
  10. "分发点"英文


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