

发音:   用"分别能发"造句
  • ea ee er ir ur or
  • 分别:    part; leave each other
  • :    ability; capability; skill
  • :    hair
  • 分别:    1.(离别) part; leave each other 他们已分别多年了。they were parted for years.2.(辨别) distinguish; differentiate 分别轻重缓急 differentiate the important from the less important and the urgent from the less urgent; do things in order of importance and urgency; 分别善恶 distinguish good from evil3.(不同) difference 毫无分别 without any difference; 分别对待 treat differently; 两者之间没有任何分别。 there is no difference between the two.4.(各自) respectively; separately 分别和他们谈话 have a talk with them separately; 干部们分别下基层参加劳动去了。 cadres have gone down to different grass-roots units to take part in manual labour
  • 辨别能力:    discriminating power


        分别:    part; leave each other
        :    ability; capability; skill
        :    hair
        分别:    1.(离别) part; leave each other 他们已分别多年了。they were parted for years.2.(辨别) distinguish; differentiate 分别轻重缓急 differentiate the important from the less important and the urgent from the less urgent; do things in order of importance and urgency; 分别善恶 distinguish good from evil3.(不同) difference 毫无分别 without any difference; 分别对待 treat differently; 两者之间没有任何分别。 there is no difference between the two.4.(各自) respectively; separately 分别和他们谈话 have a talk with them separately; 干部们分别下基层参加劳动去了。 cadres have gone down to different grass-roots units to take part in manual labour
        辨别能力:    discriminating power
        个别能级:    single level
        鉴别能力:    discernibility; judgement; judgment; resolution capability
        判别能力:    discriminatory power
        识别能力:    capacity of discernment; identifiability; identification ability; recognition capability; recognizability; recognizing ability
        无辨别能力:    undiscerning
        核能发:    nuclear energy
        差别能力测验:    dat; differential aptitude test
        光栅(色监别能力):    grating (chromatic resolving power)
        信号鉴别能力:    signal detection ability
        信号区别能力:    signal discrimination
        有辨别能力的:    discharge discharge
        语法判别能力:    grammaticality judgement
        分别的:    parting; respectively; selective
        分别地:    respectively; separately
        分别论:    vibhavga
        分别明:    clear discriminator. he was the author of nine works and a famous antagonist of brahmanism
        分别透:    differentially permeable membrane
        分别为:    l. olus -ola -olum; servlet
        分别性:    parikalpita-svabhava
        分别以“:    n”“i”“a


  1. "分别开发"英文
  2. "分别开帐"英文
  3. "分别裂化"英文
  4. "分别论"英文
  5. "分别明"英文
  6. "分别凝结"英文
  7. "分别判处"英文
  8. "分别判决"英文
  9. "分别侵袭人体"英文
  10. "分别轻重缓急"英文


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