分: component三: three月: the moon分三个月装运: in three monthly shipmentsp; shipment during....in two equal lots分三个月,每月平均装运: in three equal monthly shipmentsp三个月: trimenon; trimester每三个月的: trimensual前三个月: first trimester前三个月,早期: first trimester三个月的: trimestral三个月时间: trimester三个月以后: after three months =in three months三个月之前: three months ago坐三个月牢: three months in jug妊娠后三个月: last trimester of pregnancy妊娠末三个月: third trimester pregnancy妊娠前三个月: first trimester妊娠首三个月: first trimester of pregnancy; first trimester pregnancy妊娠头三个月: timester妊娠中三个月: second trimester of pregnancy; second trimester pregnancy三个月两次的: biquarterly三个月期间;三期: trimester三个月一次的: trimonthly一年十三个月: in a year of 13 moons累年最冷三个月: normal coldest -month period; normal coldest 3-month period normal three winter months; normal three winter months