Method can be applied to numerous programming scenarios , and to both functional and object - oriented patterns 方法能够如此流畅地应用于众多编程场景、函数模式和面向对象模式,真是激动人心。
As you learned with the multiplication examples , curried closures make it surprisingly easy to implement functional patterns of computation 在学习乘法例子时, curry过的闭包使得实现计算的函数模式出奇得容易。
Applying closures to functional patterns is exciting , and once you ve done that , it s not too big a stretch to apply them to object - oriented design patterns 把闭包应用于函数模式是令人兴奋的,一旦这么做了之后,再把它们应用于面向对象设计模式,就不是什么大事情了。
函数: function模式: model; mode; pattern; type; ...变换函数模式: transfer function model传送函数模式: transfer function model参数模式: parametric model三参数模式: three pl models三众数模式: three mode model; threemode modell指数模式: power law model变函数模型: transfer function models函数模板: function templates函数模拟: function analogue; functional simulation函数模型: functional model幂函数模型: power function model分离指数模式: separation-index pattern光子计数模式: photon counting mode积分参数模式: integral parameter model函数模板参数: function template parameters函数模板重载: function template overloading生产函数模型: production function model消费函数模型: consumption function model转换函数模型: transfer function model无参数模式识别: nonparametric pattern recognition变换函数模型识别: identification of transfer function models; identificationoftransferfunctionmodels函数模板的定义: defining function template函数模拟计算机: functional analog computer