击球: batting不过: only; just; merely; nothing ...网: net过网击球: over net击球不高明: dub过网: body over; net over; reach over the net; screening使球速大减、刚好过网、并极少反弹的击球。: a shot that slows the ball down a lot and makes it drop just over the net with very little bounce不过: 1.(只; 仅仅)only; just; merely; nothing but; no more than 不过是个烟幕 no more than a smoke screen; 他参军时不过十七岁。 he was only seventeen when he joined the army.2.(用在后半句的开头, 表示转折) but; nevertheless; however; only; except that 难是难些, 不过他还是成功了。 it was hard indeed, but he made it. 这篇作文还不错, 不过还可以改进 the composition is all right, but there is room for improvement. 她精神还不错, 不过胃口不太好。 she feels pretty well, but she hasn't much of an appetite.3.(用在形容词性的词组或双音形容词后面, 表示程度最高) 那就再好不过! it couldn't be better!; that would be superb击球: batting (棒、垒球)◇击球员 batter; batsman穿过网: go through the met过网区: passing space加网、过网: screening球过网: over the net过网犯规: interference过网损耗: vnl via net loss加网 过网 加网: screening随机过网: random screening随球过网: follow through crossing the net传球不准的: scatter-armed接球不及: muff接球不利索: juggle接球不稳: fumble; juggle; muff a ball进球不算: disallow a goai; disallow a goal抛球不好: bad toss抛球不正: bad toss