- hit
- 击中: hit
- 要点: main points; key point; esse ...
- 击中要害: have hit at the nub of ...; come [get; go; hit; strike] home; cut ... to the quick; have stung ... to the quick; hit sb.'s vital point; hit sb. where it hurts; strike at the root of; touch sb.'s tender spot 他的分析的确击中要害, 我自己从未有过那样的见解。 his analysis really hit home. i had never seen myself in that light before. 他的批评击中了要害。 his criticism hit home
- 击中要害的答辩: meritorious defence
- 击中: hit 击中目标 hit the target; 击中痛处 hit one where it hurts; 击中线 line of impact