

  • hit
  • 击中:    hit
  • 要点:    main points; key point; esse ...
  • 击中要害:    have hit at the nub of ...; come [get; go; hit; strike] home; cut ... to the quick; have stung ... to the quick; hit sb.'s vital point; hit sb. where it hurts; strike at the root of; touch sb.'s tender spot 他的分析的确击中要害, 我自己从未有过那样的见解。 his analysis really hit home. i had never seen myself in that light before. 他的批评击中了要害。 his criticism hit home
  • 击中要害的答辩:    meritorious defence
  • 击中:    hit 击中目标 hit the target; 击中痛处 hit one where it hurts; 击中线 line of impact


        击中:    hit
        要点:    main points; key point; esse ...
        击中要害:    have hit at the nub of ...; come [get; go; hit; strike] home; cut ... to the quick; have stung ... to the quick; hit sb.'s vital point; hit sb. where it hurts; strike at the root of; touch sb.'s tender spot 他的分析的确击中要害, 我自己从未有过那样的见解。 his analysis really hit home. i had never seen myself in that light before. 他的批评击中了要害。 his criticism hit home
        击中要害的答辩:    meritorious defence
        击中:    hit 击中目标 hit the target; 击中痛处 hit one where it hurts; 击中线 line of impact
        要点:    1.(主要内容) main points; key point; essentials; pivot; gist 抓住要点 grasp the main points; 问题的要点 the gist of a question2.(重要的据点) key strongpoint 战略要点 strategic point
        冲击中:    on the brawl
        击中率:    hit rate
        击中线:    line of impact
        没击中:    miss 1
        突击中:    assaulting
        未击中:    mispunch; miss
        打中要害:    deal a blow at the heart; hit home; hit squarely on the chin; hit the mark; hit the nail on the head; press [push] home; strike where it hurts; the thrust goes home.; touch ... to the quick
        切中要害:    hit the mark; strike home; hit the nail on the head 她的批评切中要害。 her criticism struck home
        切中要害,切题:    to the point; tothepoint
        田中要次:    yoji tanaka
        找中要求:    alignment requirement
        正中要害:    hit the nail [right nail] on the head; be to the point; hit the (right) nail
        中要害的:    home
        非要点:    immaterial point
        附注,要点:    remarks
        关键, 要点:    key point
        要点,周长:    gist
        要点;论点:    point
        中的“要点”:    the bottom line


  1. "击中胃部的拳"英文
  2. "击中无效部位"英文
  3. "击中下颔, 准确, 确切, 准时"英文
  4. "击中线"英文
  5. "击中斜坡球"英文
  6. "击中要害"英文
  7. "击中要害的答辩"英文
  8. "击猪地点"英文
  9. "击坠王"英文
  10. "击坠王牌"英文


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