

发音:   "出没无常"的汉语解释   用"出没无常"造句
  • appear and disappear without regularity; appear and disappear at intervals; appear and disappear unexpectedly; appear at intervals; appear unpredictably; come and go unpredictably; may appear or disappear at any time
  • 出没:    appear and disappear; come a ...
  • 无常:    variable; changeable
  • 出没:    appear and disappear; come and go; haunt 川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。 the wanglang preserve in western sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. 据说那座老宅子有鬼魂出没。 people say ghosts haunt that old house
  • 无常:    1.(变化不定) variable; changeable 变化无常的天气 changeable weather; 反复无常 capricious; uncertain; 反复无常的情绪 a variable mood2.[佛教] impermanence; transiency
  • 没没无闻:    unsung 他们工作很努力, 只因为无人知晓而没没无闻。 they are very hard-working, and they are unsung because nobody knows what they are doing


        出没:    appear and disappear; come a ...
        无常:    variable; changeable
        出没:    appear and disappear; come and go; haunt 川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。 the wanglang preserve in western sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. 据说那座老宅子有鬼魂出没。 people say ghosts haunt that old house
        无常:    1.(变化不定) variable; changeable 变化无常的天气 changeable weather; 反复无常 capricious; uncertain; 反复无常的情绪 a variable mood2.[佛教] impermanence; transiency
        没没无闻:    unsung 他们工作很努力, 只因为无人知晓而没没无闻。 they are very hard-working, and they are unsung because nobody knows what they are doing
        泯没无闻:    dead and forgotten
        湮没无闻:    fall [pass; sink] into oblivion; be buried and forgotten; be buried in oblivion; drift into obscurity; fall into the limbo of oblivion; inglorious; lie unknown and unrecognized; remain in the shadow; vanish and be forgotten
        出没于:    a haunted house
        视出没:    apparent rise and set
        月出没:    moonrise and moonset
        真出没:    true rise and set; true rising and setting
        白无常:    white changeable; white gargoyle
        黑无常:    black changeable
        活无常:    bride meets ghost
        皆无常:    sabbe sankhara aniccam
        无常棒:    wuchang bang
        无常的:    ficklea; fugacious; fugitive; fungal; short-lived; temporary; uncertain
        无常地:    mutably
        无常鬼:    the grim reaper
        无常身:    his temporal body
        出没幅角:    amplitude
        出没幅有法:    amplitude method
        出没时幅:    time amplitude
        大批出没:    infe5steifn 9infzstefen
        进退出没:    withdraw attack or take cover sense of propriety


        出没无常的法语:faire une apparition imprévue;apparaître par-ci par-là d'une façon mystérieus
        出没无常什么意思:chū mò wú cháng 【解释】忽而出现,忽而隐没,没有一定,使人无法捉摸。 【出处】宋·王十朋《论广海二寇札子》:“海寇出没无常,尤为濒海州县之患。” 【示例】万丈云烟中的群峰忽隐忽现,~。 【拼音码】cmwc 【灯谜面】阎王殿;潜水艇 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,用于神秘的人或事物


  1. "出没方位幅角的观测"英文
  2. "出没幅角"英文
  3. "出没幅角罗经"英文
  4. "出没幅有法"英文
  5. "出没时幅"英文
  6. "出没于"英文
  7. "出没在冷冷的夜晚"英文
  8. "出美"英文
  9. "出门"英文
  10. "出门不露白"英文


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