

发音:   用"出水道"造句
  • tailrace
  • :    road; way; route; path
  • 出水:    broach; demizu; effluent water; emergence; idemi; idesui; izumi; water exit; water outlet; water output; water-exit; yielding water
  • 水道:    water channel; channel; waterway; watercourse; water carrier; water-race; water lane; klong; lagoon; lagune; [苏格兰] water gang; vein; [美南部、 中部] bogue; inset; raceway; gout; gullet◇水道变迁 shifting of waterways; 水道测深线 alignment of sounding; 水道鱼 topminnow; 水道指示灯 [航海学] channel light; 水道铸型 channel cast
  • 不出水:    no flow
  • 出水槽:    effluent trough


  1. He tunnels through the rock ; his eyes see all its treasures
  2. " he hews out channels through the rocks , and his eye sees anything precious
    伯28 : 10在磐石中凿出水道亲眼看见各样宝物。


        :    road; way; route; path
        出水:    broach; demizu; effluent water; emergence; idemi; idesui; izumi; water exit; water outlet; water output; water-exit; yielding water
        水道:    water channel; channel; waterway; watercourse; water carrier; water-race; water lane; klong; lagoon; lagune; [苏格兰] water gang; vein; [美南部、 中部] bogue; inset; raceway; gout; gullet◇水道变迁 shifting of waterways; 水道测深线 alignment of sounding; 水道鱼 topminnow; 水道指示灯 [航海学] channel light; 水道铸型 channel cast
        不出水:    no flow
        出水槽:    effluent trough
        出水层:    water-producing horizon; water-producing zone; water-yielding stratum
        出水池:    discharge bay
        出水川:    demizugawa; izumigawa
        出水带:    water-producing zone; water-yielding zone
        出水点:    exit point; tapping point; water exit
        出水洞:    cave of debouchure
        出水痘:    the one with the chicken pox
        出水阀:    discharge valve; outlet valve
        出水沟:    dell; excurrent canal; exhalant canal; exhalent canal
        出水管:    exhalent siphon; discharging tube
        出水角:    emersion angel
        出水井:    wet well
        出水郡:    izumi district, kagoshima
        出水孔:    apopore; excurrent pore; large exhalent aperture; osculum; posticum; water way opening
        出水口:    delivery port; water outlet; outfall; drainage outlet
        出水莲:    lotus emerging out of water; lotus out of water; out of biology
        出水量:    aquifer yield; extracted water; hydraulic discharge; rate of withdrawal; water crop; water cut; water discharge; water output; water yield; water-yield capacity; wateryield; withdrawal rate; yield
        出水渠:    exit channel
        出水市:    izumi, kagoshima
        出水塔:    draw-off tower


  1. "出水沉淀池"英文
  2. "出水沉箱"英文
  3. "出水池"英文
  4. "出水川"英文
  5. "出水带"英文
  6. "出水的井"英文
  7. "出水的婉尔一笑"英文
  8. "出水点"英文
  9. "出水点;出水通道;出水层位"英文
  10. "出水洞"英文


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