出国: go abroad; leave one's nativ ...体检: physical examination; test中心: centre; centrum; centrality; ...体检中心: medical examination center健检中心: physical examination center电脑验光在招飞体检中的应用: the usage of computer optometry in the physical examination for recruiting pilots国体: 1.(国家体制) state system2.(国家的尊严、体面) national prestige出国: go abroad; leave one's native land 出国访问 pay a visit abroad; go abroad for a visit; 出国深造 be sent to other countries for advanced studies; go abroad to continue one's studies; go abroad to further one's education; 出国留学 go abroad to pursue one's studies; study abroad; 出国代表团 delegations sent abroad; 出国预备研究生 a student selected to study at a graduate school abroad新东方前程出国留学中心: new oriential future consulting company定检中队: periodic inspection squadron吉林北华大学出国留学服务中心: pr_l山西省出国留学人员服务中心: ewugr延边大学自费出国留学服务中心: l7og出国热: craze for going abroad; makeover for an old downtown area出国展: overseas exhibition呼出国: outgoing country派出国: sending state迁出国: country of emigration输出国: exporting country移出国: country emigration; country of emigration党国体制: party-state system德国体育: sport in germany德国体育台: dsf法国体育: sport in france各国体育: sports by country