出口: exit气体: gas; gaseous fluid的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...热电偶: electric thermo-couple; flam ...出口气体: exit gas晶体的热电性: pyroelectricity of crystal气体的热稳定: fixation of gas气体的热转化: thermal conversion of gases出口气体压力: gas outlet pressure装有热电偶的热电温度计: thermel炉出口处热电偶: heater outlet couple涡轮出口气体压力: turbine outlet pressure测量温度用的热电偶: temperature plug装在金属包壳内的热电偶: metal sheathed thermocouple铂铑热电偶细丝的热电动势测量方法: the test method of thermo-emf for platinum rhodium thermocouple thin wires加热炉出口处热电偶: heater outlet couple热电偶: electric thermo-couple; flame couple; pyod; pyrometer couple; thermal couple; thermoelement出口气: (把心里的怨愤发泄出来) work off one's feeling; vent one's spleen 向某人泄愤而出口气 vent one's spite upon sb. 他们总算出口气了。 they've had their revenge more or less加热炉废气或出气口的热电偶: heat flue couple热电偶,温差电偶: thermo couple温差电偶,热电偶: thermocouple; thermopile标准热电偶: standard couple表面热电偶: surface thermocouple并联热电偶: parallel-connected thermo couple; parallel-connected thermocouple铂热电偶: platinum thermocouple