The following are rules of thumb that can help you create a web service that is java test client - friendly 以下是一些单凭经验的方法,这些方法可以帮助您创建与java测试客户程序友好的web服务。
A useful rule - of - thumb here is the eighty - twenty rule which says 80 % of the products sold in a given category will be consumed by 20 % of the customers 这里有一个有用的单凭经验的方法,那就是八十对二十的法则,即在一个特定类别中被销售产品的80 %将会被消费者中的20 %所消费。
经验: experience的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...主观的,凭经验的: empiric后验的, 凭经验的, 归纳的: a posteriori凭经验: by experience主观的、凭经验的、武断的 啊比出来了: arbitrary单凭经验: rule of thumb凭经验地: empirically经验的: empirical; experiential; experimental; posterior实验的,经验的: empirical我凭经验做的: i fast a day every week凭经验进行的设计: rule of thumb design凭经验制成的药: an empirical remedy半经验的: semiempirical富有经验的: sophisticated根据经验的: empirical; experiential; experimental经验的传授: imparting of experience经验的隔离: experience, sequestration of经验的接受: reception of experience经验的世界: empirical world经验的优势: the benefit of experience经验的优先: oracle经验的预测: anticipatory of experience经验的真理: aposterior truth没经验的: inexperienced; strange