

  • heat of freezing


        凝固热:    heat of solidification
        冻结:    freeze; congeal frozen-in; f ...
        凝固热:    freezing heat; heat of freezing; heat of solidification; solidification heat; solidification, heat of
        摩尔凝固热:    mol solidifying heat
        凝聚热;凝固热:    heat of coagulation
        冷凝,冻结凝固:    freezing
        冰点;冻结点;凝固点:    freezing point
        停帧, 停格, 冻结帧, 凝镜, 凝固画面:    freeze frame
        结热偶:    junction couple
        凝结热:    coagulation heat; conde ation heat; condensation heat; condensation, heat of; heat of coagulation; heat of condensation; heat of setting; heatofcoagulation
        硬结热:    heat of setting
        冻结:    1.(液体遇冷凝固) freeze; congeal2.(阻止流动或变动) frozen-in; freeze-up; congealment; block 冻结的资产 frozen assets; 冻结工资 freeze the wage; 冻结技术进步 freeze up technical progress; 银行存款冻结 bank deposits freeze; 实行工资和物价冻结 institute a wage and price freeze; 我正好应当涨工资, 他们却实行了工资冻结。 i was due for a raise when they put a freeze on wages
        烧结热前沿:    heat front in sintering
        烧结热压结:    sintering
        胎病结热:    infantile pyretic accumulation
        凝固:    solidify; solidification; coagulation; congealing;clotting; hardening; solidifying; freezing 冻子受冷后会凝固。 jelly solidifies as it gets cold.; 凝固点 freezing-point; condensation point; point of solidification; solidifying point; freezing level; 凝固剂 coagulator; coagulant; coagulating agent; 凝固计 freezemeter; 凝固汽油 [材料] gelatinized gasoline; napalm; 凝固汽油(炸)弹 napalm bomb; 凝固作用 solidification
        半冻结:    slush freezing
        冻结;冰结:    freezing
        冻结比:    frozen-in ratio
        冻结壁:    frost wall; ice wall
        冻结层:    frozen crust
        冻结场:    frozen field; frozen-in field
        冻结成:    glaciate
        冻结带:    frost zone; frozen zone
        冻结的:    congealing; frozen


  1. "凝固清蛋白"英文
  2. "凝固区间"英文
  3. "凝固区域"英文
  4. "凝固曲线"英文
  5. "凝固热"英文
  6. "凝固熔岩"英文
  7. "凝固乳"英文
  8. "凝固乳酪"英文
  9. "凝固润滑脂"英文
  10. "凝固石油"英文


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