准: standard; guideline; criteri ...方法: method; means; way; techniqu ...标准方法: reference method; standard method; standard mineral校准方法: calibdration method; calibration method校准方法学: calibration methodology光学对准方法: optical heterodyne alignment method国际标准方法: international standards method缺口瞄准方法: gap aiming; gap methods of aiming标准方法培养基: standard method agar对照选择标准方法: matching standard method结算的标准方法: standard method of settlement美国联邦标准方法: federal standard method水听器低频校准方法: acousticslow frequency calibration methods of hydrophoneses用标准方法改出失速状态: standard stall recovery标准支付方式 结算的标准方法: standardmethodofsettlement腐蚀数据统计分析标准方法: standard practice for applying statistics analysis of corrosion data工作直接日射表的校准方法: calibration of field pyrheliometers公共场所室内换气率测定标准方法: standaard method for measurement of infiltration rates of indoor air in public places水听器加速度灵敏度校准方法: acoustics-calibration method of hydrophone acceleration sensitivity水源水中硫化物卫生检验标准方法: standard method for hygienic examination of sulfide in drinking water sources振动与冲击传感器的校准方法: methods for the calibration of vibration and shock pick-ups-secondary shock calibration制定消费品性能测试标准方法的总则: preparation of standard methods of measuring performance of consumer goods准方案: quasi-project准方波: qsw; quasisquare wavee标准方案: standard regimens