准备: prepare; get ready奥: profound; abstruse; difficul ...术: art; skill; technique中国全力准备奥运: olympic-sized hope for china奥术: arcana; arcane; mystique奥术师: magus奥术条: arcanite bar奥术宝典: arcane tomes奥术法师: hrif奥术飞弹: a00b奥术负荷: arcane conundrum奥术进化: arane exaltation奥术了望台: arcane observatory奥术熟稔: arcane mastery奥术无常: arcane power奥术智慧: arcane intellect奥术专注: arcane concentration准备: 1.(预先安排) prepare; get ready 精神准备 mental preparation; 准备过几年紧日子 be mentally prepared for a few years of austerity; 准备接待外国游客 prepare to receive foreign visitors; 不打无准备之仗 fight no war unprepared; 作最坏的准备 prepare for the worst; 你准备好了吗 ? are you ready? 一切都准备好了, 咱们走吧! it's all lined up, let's go. 明天要开会, 我还要做许多准备工作。 i have to do a lot of homework for tomorrow's meeting.2.(打算) intend; plan 今年夏天你准备到哪儿去 ? where do you intend to go this summer? 她准备明年出国 。she is planning on going abroad next year.3.[军事] ready; provision; readiness; set up; stand by不稳定的奥术: arcane instability超级奥术爆炸: super arcane explosion瑟瑞尔奥术师: netherese arcanist奥术施法者路线: arcanist paths奥术兄弟会法师: mage of the arcane order施放奥术召唤宠物: find familiar奥米伽定位设备奥米加定位设备: omega positioning and locating equipment