- the miserable daughter-in-law
- 凄凉: dreary; desolate; miserable; ...
- 媳妇: son's wife; daughter-in-law ...
- 媳妇: 1.(儿媳) son's wife; daughter-in-law2.(晚辈亲属之妻) the wife of a relative of the younger generation 孙媳妇 grandson's wife; 侄媳妇 nephew's wife
- 凄凉: dreary; desolate; miserable; gloomy and forlorn; bleak 凄凉的景色 dreary scenery; 凄凉的前景 bleak prospects; 凄凉的生活 forlorn [desolate] life; 凄凉的一生 a desolate life; 孤独凄凉 lonely and forlorn; 满目凄凉 desolation all round; 晚景凄凉 lead a miserable and dreary life in old age; 我感到无限凄凉。 a sense of desolation overwhelmed me
- 大媳妇: 1.(长子的妻子) wife of one's eldest son2.(大老婆) wife of a man with concubine