净: clean费: fee; expense; expenditure; d ...率: rate; ratio; proportion原始净费率: original net rate总公司的原净费率: original net rate to head office费率: raie/charge; rate; tariff净费用收益: net costs benefit总的净费用: total bare cost保费率: premium rate低费率: cheap rate电费率: electric rate; electricity rate; power rate费率表: conditions sheet; rate scale; scale of rates; tariff; terms and conditions费率卡: carte tarifaire; rate card毛费率: gross rate收费率: rates for the services; tariff消费率: consumption rate邮费率: mail rate原费率: original premium rate; original rate运费率: carry rate; freight freight rates goods rate; freight rate (rate of freight); freight tariff; rate freight; rate of passage; table of rates租费率: lease rate费率表;费率规章: tariff单项费率费率本: single rate freight tariff费率另议(费率按协议): r.t.b.a. rate to be arranged合理费率, 不固定费率: equity rate同一费率, 综合费率: freight all kind rate