净利: net profit润: moist; smooth; sleek的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...分配: distribution; allocation; as ...净利润的分配 净利润的分配: distributionofnetprofit净利润的处理: disposintion of net profit净利润分配: distribution of net profit净利润分配额 净利润分配额: netprofitquota净利润分配额: net profit quota企业利润的分析: analysis of business profits非分配利润的组织: non-profit-distributing body利润的: prefitable未分配公司利润的免税: exemption of undistributed corporate profits净利润: clear profit; neat profit; net income; net margin; net profit(loss); net profits; net return; profit margin; retained profits分配净利润赎回股票: redemption of stock by distribution of net profit负利润的人: profit liability高额利润的: high profit; high-profit利润的实现: realization of profit利润的组成: composition of profit贪求利润的: profit hungry; profit-hungry有利润的: paying本年净利润: net profit for the current year边际净利润: marginal net profit纯利润,净利: clear profit净利润率: net profit margin; net profit rate