

发音:   用"决议事项"造句
  • decision items


  1. Article 55 the supervisors may attend the meetings of the board of directors as non - voting delegates , and may raise questions or suggestions on the matters to be decided by the board of directors
  2. Article 125 where any of the directors has any relationship with the enterprise involved in the matter to be discussed at the meeting of the board of directors , he shall not vote on this resolution , nor may he vote on behalf of any other person


        决议:    result; resolution
        事项:    item; matter
        会议事项:    agenda; agendum; proceedings at the meeting; proceedings of conference
        前议事项:    matters arising
        续议事项:    matters arising
        议事项目:    agenda items
        会议事项辑要:    abstract of the proceedings at the meeting
        续议事项;前议事项;上次会议记录所提事项:    matters arising
        议事:    discuss official business 暂行议事规则 provisional rules of procedure; 议事规则 rules of procedure; rules of debate; 议事日程 agenda; order of the day; standing order
        决议:    result; resolution 撤销决议 cancel a resolution; revoke a resolution; 反对决议 oppose [object to; be against] a resolution; 接受决议 accept a resolution; 拒绝决议 reject a resolution; 起草决议 draft a resolution; 提出决议 offer a resolution; 对决议投赞成票 vote for or in favour of a resolution; 这项决议在掌声中获得通过。 the resolution was carried [passed; adopted] amid applause.; 决议 (草)案 draft resolution
        执行相关议题与关切事项之决议:    implementation-related issues and concerns
        事项:    item; matter 章程中规定的事项 items stipulated in the regulations; 注意事项 matters needing attention; points for attention; 把这份报告中的有关事项提交委员会讨论。 the relative items in this report will be referred to the committee for discussion
        决议;决议案:    resolution
        议事簿:    journal
        议事录:    chronicle; conferences proceedings; journal; minute book; transactions
        议事堂:    capitol; the houses of parliament; the parliament buildings
        议事厅:    archived; assemblyroom; moderator discussion room
        议事组:    conference service section; english secretariat
        决心,决议:    decision
        决议,解决:    resolution
        决议案:    draft resolution; resolutions
        决议的:    resolved
        兹决议, 决议如下:    be it resolved
        旅馆(事项):    hotel (transactions)
        事项带:    transaction tape


  1. "决议的"英文
  2. "决议和决定汇编"英文
  3. "决议获得一致通过"英文
  4. "决议决定用这个办法解决那个复杂的问题"英文
  5. "决议如山"英文
  6. "决议讨论循环"英文
  7. "决议委员会"英文
  8. "决议运算子"英文
  9. "决择"英文
  10. "决战"英文


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