决战: decisive battle; decisive en ...无底洞: barathrum; abime; a bottomle ...无底洞: barathrum; abime; a bottomless pit (that can never be filled); insatiable desires惊暴无底洞: endless descent惊异无底洞: escape from mars深渊,又名:无底洞: abyss, the西游记-无底洞: the bottomless den花钱填无底洞: throw good money after bad达那德的桶 无底洞: cask of danaides无底洞钢琴前奏: piano intro乞丐的钱袋是无底洞: a bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush; a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush赔了夫人又折兵, 花钱填无底洞: throw good money after bad决战: decisive battle; decisive engagement袋底洞: bag end异底洞: the cave无底的: abysmal; abyssal; bottomless/unfathomable; unfathomable无底点: nadir无底网: fly net无底值: no base value for sonic minesweeping4战无不胜: young and dangerous 4百战无败: click-b激战无名川: battle in nameless valley战无不胜: invincible; ever-victorious; all-conquering; win in every battle; never lose a battle; ever-triumphant海底洞窟: underwater cave大决战: armageddon it