The parefin 4 chromite claims near the northern end of the csardas thrust again indicate the eastward extension of the thinning ultrabasic sheet from railway block . 靠近萨达斯冲断层北端的帕勒芬4铬矿区又表明从铁路段向东超基性岩席减薄的情况。
Bedding - plane thrust fault 顺层冲断层
Buried thrust fronts 埋藏的冲断层前缘
Basal thrust plane 基底冲断层面
The reverse structure appears in three styles . they are regional structure reverse occurred as angle unconformity between paleogene and neogene , thrush fault and local reverse structures 反转构造以三种形式出现,即上下第三系之间角度不整合的区域性构造反转,逆冲断层,局部构造的反转。