冲击: lash; pound能量: energy; amount of energy净冲击能量: net energy of blow相对冲击能量: relative impact energy冲击能量吸收装置: ead energy absorbing devicer; eau energy absorbing unit冲击能: energy of blow; impact energy; striking energy冲击能量吸收装置6: ead energy absorbing devicer比冲击能: specific energy of blow波浪冲击能: wave energy of sea floor冲击能吸收: impact energy absorption轰击能量: bombarding energy; bombardment energy抗热冲击能力: thermal-shock resistance雨滴打击能量: raindroimpact energy作用锤击能量: applied driving energy被吸收的冲击能: absorbed striking energy; absorbedstrikingenergy冲击能吸收系统: energy absorbing system冲击能转变曲线: impact energy transition curve地球外的冲击能: extraterrestrial impact energy抗重复冲击能力: resistance to repeated impact着陆撞击能量吸收: landing shock absorption能量冲击: energieschock energy crisis可控冲击能冲压成形: controlled-energy-rate forming抗冲击能力,冲击电压承受能力: surge withstand capability釉面瓷砖抗热冲击能力的试验方法: standard test method for thermal shock resistance of glazed ceramic tile轰击能: bombardment energy