

发音:   用"冲击磨耗"造句
  • pounding wear


        冲击:    lash; pound
        磨耗:    wear away; fret; attrite; ab ...
        冲击磨矿:    impact grinding
        冲击磨蚀:    impingement erosion
        冲击磨损:    impact wear; peening wear
        冲击磨损试验:    impact wear test
        中低碳空冷贝氏体钢的冲击磨损性能:    impact wear property of medium-low carbon air-cooled bainitic steels
        磨耗:    wear away; fret; attrite; abrasiveness; abrasion; detrition; tear-and-wear
        锤击磨:    hammer swing sledge mill
        撞击磨:    percussion grinder
        磨耗;磨耗:    wear
        锤击磨煤机:    high speed coal mill
        枪击磨擦环:    gunshot abrasion ring
        冲击:    1.(水流等撞击) lash; pound 激流对海岸的冲击 the impact of the swift current against the shore; 海浪冲击着礁石, 飞起像珠子般的水花。 the wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray.2.(迅猛攻击) charge; assault; dash; flewit 对社会道德观念的冲击 a shock to the sense of a community; 向敌人阵地发起冲击 charge an enemy position3.[力学] shock4.[物理学] ballistic5.[医学] ictus6.[电学] surge7.[机械工程] impact; impigement
        磨,磨耗:    abrasion test
        磨耗;磨蚀:    abrasion
        磨耗层:    road carpet; road crust; wear course; wearing carpet; wearing coat; wearing course; wearing layer; wearing surface
        磨耗的:    abrasive; erosive; torn-up
        磨耗度:    abrasion degree; abrasiveness; degree of wear
        磨耗规:    wear and-tear gauge; wear-and-tear gauge
        磨耗环:    wear ring
        磨耗计:    wearometer
        磨耗量:    abrasion loss; abrasion quantity; abrasion value; abrasion wear; abrasive wear; attrition loss; permissible wear
        磨耗率:    abrasion loss rate; abrasion ratio; abrasiveness; attrition rate; attrition value; depth loss; percentage of wear; rate of wear; rattler loss; water rate
        磨耗面:    abrasive surface; wearing course; wearing surface



  1. "冲击面"英文
  2. "冲击模"英文
  3. "冲击模拟器"英文
  4. "冲击模拟试验机"英文
  5. "冲击模型"英文
  6. "冲击磨矿"英文
  7. "冲击磨蚀"英文
  8. "冲击磨损"英文
  9. "冲击磨损试验"英文
  10. "冲击耐久性试验"英文


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