冰河: glacier堆集: conglomeration; packing; sto ...成: accomplish; succeed的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...小山: monticule; hill; knap; bhur; ...冰河堆: fluvio - glacial deposit冰河堆积层: fluvio - glacial deposit冰河堆积物。: glacial deposits集成的: composite; compositive; integrated多岩石的小山: tor金瓶似的小山: a hill like a gold vessel; gold bottle knoll for; little hill like gold bottle; the hill like a golden bottle西西里的小山: hilll sicilana牙买加的小山: the round hill jamaica有尖顶的小山: pike a hill with a pointed summit集成的,完全的: integrated收集成的: collected树木繁茂的小山谷: a wooded hollow未加工的小山羊皮: undressed kid雾霭笼罩著的小山: hills hidden/shrouded in mist堆集: conglomeration; packing; stocking高密度集成的: superintegrated集成的综合的: integrated收集成的, 镇定的: collected综合的集成的: intgrtd integrated新组成的小组: a newly formed group