农: agriculture; farming轻重: weight关系: relation; filiation; relatio ...多重关系: multirelation重关: the grave barriers轻重: 1.(重量大小) weight 轻重相等 equal in weight;2.(程度的深浅;事情的主次)degree of seriousness;relative importance 无足轻重 be of little moment; a matter of no consequence3.(适当的程度) propriety 做事不知轻重 not know the proper way to act重关税: heavy duty净轻重: net dry weight轻重4: heavy and light轻重量: low wt./low weight/light weight承重关节: weight-bearing joint多重关税: multiple tariff多重关税制: multiple tariff system加重关税: dual tariff; increasing duty三重关联: ternary associations双重关闭: double shut双重关节的: double jointed双重关井阀: dual closed in pressure valve双重关税: dual tariffs严重关切: serious concern严重关头: critical juncture重关键组分: heavy key表示严重关切: show grave concern over多重关税税则: multiple tariff双重关税税率: double line tariff