

发音:   "农民战争"的汉语解释   用"农民战争"造句


  1. It was from these distresses that the peasant wars of the fourteenth century sprang .
  2. A tentative research on canudos peasantry war in modern brazil
  3. Peasant war and social development
  4. There is here before us a picture of a nation carrying in its womb a peasant war


        德国农民战争:    peasants' war
        甲午农民战争:    donghak peasant revolution
        平民战争,13:    a civil campaign
        人民战争:    people's war◇人民战争思想 thinking on people's war; 人民战争战略战术思想 thinking on strategy and tactics of people's war
        人民战争报:    people's war
        殖民战争:    colonialist war
        人民战争思想:    thinking on people's war
        人民战争的威力:    the might of people's war
        用人民战争对付侵略战争:    oppose the people's war to the war of aggression
        坚持和发展人民战争思想:    highlights and carries forward the concept of people's war
        人民战争战略战术思想:    thinking on strategy and tactics of people's war
        农民:    peasant; peasantry; husbandman◇农民度假村 farmer's holiday village; 农民革命 revolution of peasants; 农民个体所有制 individual ownership by peasants; 农民阶级 the peasantry; 农民企业家 farmer-entrepreneur; peasant entrepreneur; 农民协会 peasant association; 农民业余学校 peasant spare-time school; 农民意识 peasant mentality; 农民战争 peasant war
        平民战俘:    civilian pow
        人民战士报:    soldier of people
        战争:    war; warfare 战争的双方 the two sides in a war; both belligerents; 医治战争创伤 heal the war wounds; 战争赔款 reparation of war; 战争边缘政策 brink of war policy; brinkmanship; 战争财政 wartime finance; 战争储备 war reserves; 战争对策 war game; 战争法规 laws of war; jus belli; 战争贩子 warmonger; 战争狂 war mania; war hysteria; 战争冒险 war venture; war gamble; 战争赔偿 reparations of war; 战争赔款 indemnity of war; 战争升级 war escalation; 战争物资储备 storage of war materials; 战争形势 war situation; 战争行为 act of war; 战争性质 nature of war; 战争学 polemology; 战争状态 state of war; 战争准备 war preparation; 战争罪犯 war criminal; 战争罪行 war crime
        人民战斗组织:    organisation du peuple en lutte
        农民(总称):    peasantry
        农民,农夫:    countryman
        农民,农妇:    countrywoman
        农民八:    zliuh
        农民报:    dan cay; dziennik ludowy; gazeta ludowa; kishan; maakansa; rolnicke noviny
        农民党:    agrarian party; peasant party
        农民的:    boorish
        农民肺:    farmer lung; farmers lung
        农民杂志:    farmers journal; peasants' journal
        农民正义党:    edalat party of the peasants


        农民战争的韩语:[명사] 농민 전쟁.
        农民战争什么意思:nóngmínzhànzhēng 封建社会农民为反对地主阶级的反动统治而进行的革命战争。一般有鲜明的战斗口号,活动范围较大,例如清代的太平天国革命。


  1. "农民与画家"英文
  2. "农民宇航员"英文
  3. "农民杂志"英文
  4. "农民正义党"英文
  5. "农民之光报"英文
  6. "农民之路"英文
  7. "农民之声"英文


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