农历: the traditional Chinese cale ...七月: July the seventh month of th ...乞巧: the festival of the 7th day ...节: joint; knob; node中国: China; Sino-情人: lover; sweetheart农历七月初七乞巧节: double-seventh day农历七月初七迄巧节: double-seventh day农历七月初七: the double-seventh day七月初七情人节: djjackie -yuan club remix七夕节(中国情人节): double-seventh day初七情人节: dj jackie yuan乞巧节: qi xi; the double seventh festival情人节: diary day; happy valentines day; saint valentine's day; stva1entine’s day; the double-seventh day; the valentine's day; theme color training vi valentine day; valentine’s day农历九月初九: the double-ninth day韩国情人: mi in农历正月初一春节: the spring festival传统情人节: valentines day电影情人节: orang&movie day惊悚情人节: horror valentines day快乐情人节: dj selinas disco remix浪漫情人节: valentine's day玫瑰情人节: yellow and rose day; yellow&rose day七夕情人节: chinese lovers’/valentine’s day; chinese lover’s day亲亲情人节: kiss day