

发音:   用"军事评论"造句
  • katonai szemle
  • military review
  • revista militar


  1. The next patton is not writing an article for " military review "
  2. Mr boyne , who works for military magazine jane ' s intelligence review . articles he wrote in 1997 were plagiarized for a 19 - page intelligence document to add weight to the pm ' s warmongering
    肖恩?博伊恩是军事杂志《简氏军事评论》的记者,他在1997年写的文章经过政府的"一番取舍" ,竟摇身一变出现在了一份长达19页的政府文件中,为首相布莱尔的战争主张摇旗呐喊。


        军事:    military affairs
        评论:    comment on; discuss; make co ...
        军事评论员:    military commentator
        新军事评论:    ny militaer tidskrift
        军事评论汇报:    allgemeine militarrundschau
        瑞士军事评论:    revue militaire suisse
        闪电军事评论:    military review of blitz
        苏联军事评论:    soviet military review
        外国军事评论:    zarubezhnoe voennoe obozrenie
        海事评论:    maritime revue
        时事评论:    commentary
        外事评论:    bulletin de l'etranger
        专栏时事评论员:    columntator
        军事科学评论:    revue des sciences militaires
        军事情报评论:    military information review the; military information review, the
        海军军事学院评论:    naval war college review
        美国海军军事学院评论:    u.s. naval war college review
        海事评议:    maritime enquiry
        人事评鉴:    personnel evaluation
        同事评估:    peer a raisal; peer appraisal
        评论:    1.(批评或议论) comment on; discuss; make [give] comment on; deliver oneself of sth.; point the conversation at sb. [sth.]; enlarge upon [on] sth.; review 评论是非 discuss right and wrong; 不加评论 make no remark; 评论那件事 remark upon the event; 它引起了新闻界的广泛评论。 it created wide comment in the press. 对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足。 comment upon this would be to paint the lily.2.(批评或议论的文章) comment; commentary; review; appreciation; appraisal; criticism 电影评论 motion-picture review; 法律评论 a law review; 为一家报纸写评论 review for a newspaper; 时事评论 comments on current events; 小评论 short comment; 评论文章 comment on an article; 评论家 critic; reviewer; 评论目录学 bibliography; 评论员 commentator
        评论的评论:    review of reviews
        不评论:    no comment
        对…评论:    comment on
        铝评论:    revue de l'aluminium


  1. "军事能力承诺宣言"英文
  2. "军事判读"英文
  3. "军事旁观者"英文
  4. "军事片"英文
  5. "军事平衡"英文
  6. "军事评论汇报"英文
  7. "军事评论员"英文
  8. "军事奇幻"英文
  9. "军事气象学"英文
  10. "军事潜力目标的防空"英文


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