Please ship my thirty bales cotton , now kept in your warehouse , to messrs . okada & co . , and forward b / l to me 请将保管在贵公司30包棉花,运交冈田公司,并将提单寄本公司。
Please ship my thirty bales cotton , now kept in your warehouse , to me rs . okada & ; am co . , and forward b / l to me 请将保管在贵公司30包棉花,运交冈田公司,并将提单寄本公司。
Please ship my thirty bales cotton , now kept in your warehouse , to messrs . okada & amp; co . , and forward b / l to me 请将保管在贵公司30包棉花,运交冈田公司,并将提单寄本公司。