The system has friendly interface for user , whose inner calculating program was designed according to the latest design specification for sluice 该系统具有友好的用户设计界面,内部计算程序按新的水闸规范编写,设计计算的报告可自动生成。
So it is appears important to analyse capability of this structure , the people can compute all kinds of complex structure ’ s response under different sorts of exact load on current software , but the source program of the computing question , which is “ black box ” , on the contrary , fepg can get the source program , which can provide preference for the optimization of structure , even embed in the optimizing program and save much time of compiling program , linking to ga to identify the load can get the good result . so the problem is solved to alleviate the deadweight and the optimize design of the structure , as well as improve its secure capability 对格栅结构进行力学分析就显得至关重要,尽管利用通用有限元软件能够计算结构承受任意可以准确描述的载荷作用下的响应问题,但内部计算却是“黑箱”操作,利用fepg可以得到计算源代码,能够为优化程序提供参考甚至可以嵌入其中,节省繁琐的有限元计算编程内容,结合遗传算法进行载荷重构,往往会收到很好的效果,这就解决了由于工作环境比较复杂,引起响应的载荷难以直接测量得到的难题,从而为结构优化设计和提高安全性能的提供了保障。