

发音:   用"内部应变"造句
  • built-in strain


  1. On the base of site monitoring on several multi - arch highway tunnels , this paper introduces some site monitoring methods about the force of reinforcing steel bar , the exterior and interior strain of concrete and the displacement of the wall , which aim at the monitoring of middle wall of multi - arch highway tunnel
  2. Some conclusions are drawn : the compressive strength and flexural strength of cubic specimens of steel fibre reinforced concrete increase with the dosage of steel fibre ; without change of dosage of steel fibre , the elastic modulus of steel fibre reinforced concrete increases with the concrete age ; steel fibre reinforced concrete is of obvious function in cracking resistance , but there is no obvious function in avoidance of cracking ; for both common concrete and steel fibre reinforced concrete , the variation of the internal temperature is different from that of the external temperature before the initial set of concrete , and the internal strain of both two kinds of concrete is great , and , in general , the variation of strain of common concrete is much greater than that of the steel fibre reinforced concrete ; after the initial set of concrete , the variation of the internal temperature of both two kinds of concrete is similar to that of the external temperature , and the variation of the internal strain is relatively small
  3. And the temperature compensation method is studied either , 2 ) we advanced the concept that the sensitivity of fbg packed sensors can beincreasing ( descended ) and gave the theoretic illation of this concept . based on the corresponding research , we developed the sensitivityincreasing ( descended ) embedded fbg sensors that are suitable for the measurement of inner stain of concrete
    2 )提出了frp封装应变传感器增(减)敏设计的概念,并进行了理论分析推证,开发出了适于混凝土结构内部应变测试的增(减)敏埋入式fbg应变传感器,通过试验验证了设计的合理性与实用性。
  4. Secondly , in view of the need for strain - in monitoring of concrete and sensors ’ durability and maneuverability , we will encapsulate the fbg into the frp and thus we can get the excellent frp - ofbg sensing pole . then the embedded frp strain sensors with fixtures at two ends will be designed and manufactured


        内部:    interior; inside; inward; in ...
        应变:    meet an emergency
        内部应变仪式天平:    internal strain-gauge balance
        局部应变:    local strain
        内部应力:    built-in stress; i er stre; internal stress; stress, internal
        局部应变干扰:    local strain perturbation
        钢轨内部应力:    internal rail stress
        内部应收款项:    insider receivable
        底部应变灵敏度:    base strain sensitivity
        局部应变椭球体:    local strain ellipsoid
        内部应用程序通讯:    inter-application communication iac; inter-application communication, iac
        固体火箭燃料药柱内部应力的三维分析:    three-dimensional grain stress analysis
        集团内部应收帐款和应付帐款:    intra-groureceivables and payables
        应变:    1.(应付突然发生的事情) meet an emergency 随机应变 adjust to changing circumstances; act according to circumstances; 有应变之才 rise to the emergency; 教他们如何应变 teach them how to act in emergency2.[物理学] strain; 应变措施 emergency measure; 应变计 strain gauge; strainometer; strainmeter; extensometer
        槽部应力:    slot force
        局部应力:    loca stress; local stress; localized stress; partial stress
        局部应用:    local application; local use
        外部应力:    external stress
        外用,局部应用:    topical administration
        内部:    interior; inside; inward; indoor; depth; viscera; bowel; internal 内部联系 internal relations; 国家内部事务 the domestic affairs of a country; 人民内部矛盾 contradictions among the people; 事物的内部规律性 inherent laws of a thing; 堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。 the easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.; 内部比率 internal ratio; 内部电话 house telephone; interphone; 内部结构 inwards; internal structure; [化学] inner structure; 内部刊物 restricted publication; 内部冷却 internal cooling; 内部矛盾 inner [internal] contradictions [conflicts]; 内部潜力 internal potential; 内部屈折 [语言学] internal flexion; internal inflexion; 内部缺陷 internal defect; 内部审计 internal audit; 内部消息 inside story; restricted news; 内部装修 inside finish
        局部应力集中 局部应力集中:    stressraisers
        【物理学】局部应力。:    local stress
        附加局部应力:    additional local stress
        局部应力集中:    stress raisers
        局部应力消除:    local stress relieving


  1. "内部引线接合法"英文
  2. "内部引线接合器"英文
  3. "内部引线粘结,内部引线键合"英文
  4. "内部引用"英文
  5. "内部印花税票纸"英文
  6. "内部应变仪式天平"英文
  7. "内部应力"英文
  8. "内部应收款项"英文
  9. "内部应用程序通讯"英文
  10. "内部营救"英文


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