On the base of site monitoring on several multi - arch highway tunnels , this paper introduces some site monitoring methods about the force of reinforcing steel bar , the exterior and interior strain of concrete and the displacement of the wall , which aim at the monitoring of middle wall of multi - arch highway tunnel 在多座连拱隧道现场监测工作的基础上,文章主要介绍了主筋轴力量测、混凝土表面应变量测、混凝土内部应变量测,以及位移量测等针对连拱隧道中隔墙的现场监测方法,并结合中隔墙主筋轴力量刚,给出现场监测及分析实例。
Some conclusions are drawn : the compressive strength and flexural strength of cubic specimens of steel fibre reinforced concrete increase with the dosage of steel fibre ; without change of dosage of steel fibre , the elastic modulus of steel fibre reinforced concrete increases with the concrete age ; steel fibre reinforced concrete is of obvious function in cracking resistance , but there is no obvious function in avoidance of cracking ; for both common concrete and steel fibre reinforced concrete , the variation of the internal temperature is different from that of the external temperature before the initial set of concrete , and the internal strain of both two kinds of concrete is great , and , in general , the variation of strain of common concrete is much greater than that of the steel fibre reinforced concrete ; after the initial set of concrete , the variation of the internal temperature of both two kinds of concrete is similar to that of the external temperature , and the variation of the internal strain is relatively small 结果表明:钢纤维混凝土立方体的杭压强度、抗弯强度随着钢纤维掺量的增加而增大;在钢纤维掺量不变的情况下,钢纤维混凝土的抗压弹性模量会随着龄期的增加而提高;钢纤维对混凝土的阻裂作用很明显,而对混凝土起裂的限制作用不明显;在混凝土初凝之前,无论是普通混凝土还是钢纤维混凝土,内部温度的变化规律与外界温度的变化规律不同,并且此阶段混凝土内部应变的变幅很大,普通混凝土应变的变幅要比钢纤维混凝土应变的变幅大得多;在混凝土初凝之后,无论是普通混凝土还是钢纤维混凝土,内部温度的变化规律与外界温度的变化规律相同,并且此阶段混凝土内部应变的变幅很小。
And the temperature compensation method is studied either , 2 ) we advanced the concept that the sensitivity of fbg packed sensors can beincreasing ( descended ) and gave the theoretic illation of this concept . based on the corresponding research , we developed the sensitivityincreasing ( descended ) embedded fbg sensors that are suitable for the measurement of inner stain of concrete 2 )提出了frp封装应变传感器增(减)敏设计的概念,并进行了理论分析推证,开发出了适于混凝土结构内部应变测试的增(减)敏埋入式fbg应变传感器,通过试验验证了设计的合理性与实用性。
Secondly , in view of the need for strain - in monitoring of concrete and sensors ’ durability and maneuverability , we will encapsulate the fbg into the frp and thus we can get the excellent frp - ofbg sensing pole . then the embedded frp strain sensors with fixtures at two ends will be designed and manufactured 其次,考虑到工程实际中对混凝土内部应变监测的需求以及传感器的耐久性和可操作性的要求,用纤维增强塑料-光纤光栅智能复合传感筋作为感知元件,研制开发了端部扩径埋入式frp应变传感器。