内部: interior; inside; inward; in ...宪法: constitution; charter宪法: constitutioncharter网部宪明: noriaki okabe建筑师冈部宪明: noriaki okabe内部: interior; inside; inward; indoor; depth; viscera; bowel; internal 内部联系 internal relations; 国家内部事务 the domestic affairs of a country; 人民内部矛盾 contradictions among the people; 事物的内部规律性 inherent laws of a thing; 堡垒是最容易从内部攻破的。 the easiest way to capture a fortress is from within.; 内部比率 internal ratio; 内部电话 house telephone; interphone; 内部结构 inwards; internal structure; [化学] inner structure; 内部刊物 restricted publication; 内部冷却 internal cooling; 内部矛盾 inner [internal] contradictions [conflicts]; 内部潜力 internal potential; 内部屈折 [语言学] internal flexion; internal inflexion; 内部缺陷 internal defect; 内部审计 internal audit; 内部消息 inside story; restricted news; 内部装修 inside finish 宪法,章程: constitution宪法报: constitution宪法党: constitution party宪法的: constitutionaal宪法法: constitutional law宪法日: norway constitution day; serbia and montenegro constitutional day宪法山: constitution hill宪法学: constitutional jurisprudence; constitutional law宪法章: charter宪法州: constitution state宪制;宪法: constitution新宪法: new constitution刚性宪法, 硬性宪法: rigid constituion违反宪法, 抵触宪法: contrary to the constition爱尔兰宪法: constitution of ireland鞍钢宪法: konstitution f.des eisen -und stahlkombinats anshan; the charter of the anshan iron and steel company八字宪法: the “eight-point charter for agriculture”: soil improvement, use of fertilizer, irrigation, better seed strains, close planting, plant protection, better farm implements and field management颁发宪法: promulgate a constitution比较宪法: constitution comparée