You have seen how they need to be interconnected and coordinated to create a cohesive application 您已经看到了,需要怎样把它们互相连接和调整它们以创建一个内聚的应用程序。
If you were to combine these functions into a single use case , it would have low cohesion and undesirable dependencies 如果你把这些功能合并到一个用例里,就成为低内聚的(和不合适的)依赖关系。
This concept may seem fairly obvious , but in practice , creating well - defined and cohesive classes can be tricky 这个概念表面看上去意思还算明显,但在实际中创建定义很好的高内聚的类可能有些难度了。
The challenge is how modelling approaches and tools , all of which have their merits and strong industrial support , can be used in a coherent way for the conceptual models needed in future system 挑战是如何建模和工具,它们中的每个都有其特性和强力的产业支持,能在未来系统中按照内聚的方式用在概念模型当中。
They are kernel knowledge of distributed multidatabase too0 then , based on a reasonable classified frame of schema collision , the paper probes into the strategies realizing schema integration and query decomposition using the good " low coupling , high cohesion " characteristics of component ; and then , a improved model of federal database architecture is designed exerting the virtue of independence and assembly of component < , at last , i had completed the work of developing a demo for the integration of audit information systems with the helps of others , which proved that the improved model of federal database architecture is practicalo 我在提出一个合理的模式冲突分类框架的基础上,探讨了如何运用组件技术的低耦合、高内聚的良好特性来实现数据模式集成和查询分解的策略;同时,运用组件技术的独立性和可装配的优点,设计了一个改进的联邦数据库体系结构模型。最后,在上述理论的指导下,本人与协作者完成了湖南省审计厅信息集成原型系统的设计和开发,总体上证实了改进后联邦数据库体系结构模型的可行性。