Surinamese president venetiaan visited dalian international company 苏里南总统费内希恩访问大连国际公司
Nechyba and vigdor also show that the peer effects evaporate once they consider the quality of teaching 内希巴和维格多还表示,一旦他们将教育质量因素纳入考虑范围,同伴效应就消失了。
Because he saw me on the polo ground of the phnix park at the match all ireland versus the rest of ireland . my eyes , i know , shone divinely as i watched captain slogger dennehy of the inniskillings win the final chukkar on his darling cob centaur 当英尼斯基林的强手登内希上尉骑着他所宠爱的那匹短腿壮马森特,在最后一局中获胜的时候,我的眼睛发出了圣洁的光。
The queen s hotel , ennis , county , glare , where rudolph bloom rudolf virag died on the evening of the 27 june 1886 , at some hour unstated , in consequence of an overdose of monkshood aconite selfadministered in the form of a neuralgic liniment , composed of 2 parts of aconite liniment to 1 of chloroform liniment purchased by him at 10 . 20 a . m . on the morning of 27 june 1886 at the medical hall of francis dennehy , 17 church street , ennis after having , though not in consequence of having , purchased at 3 . 15 p . m . on the afternoon of 27 june 1886 a new boater straw hat , extra smart after having , though not in consequence of having , purchased at the hour and in the place aforesaid , the toxin aforesaid , at the general drapery store of james cullen , 4 main street , ennis 他服的是按附子搽剂二氯仿搽剂一系他于一八八六年六月二十七日上午十点二十分在恩尼斯教会街十七号弗朗西斯登内希药房所购,按比例亲自配制的神经痛搽剂。尽管并非由于此举,然而在此举之前,一八八六年六月二十七日下午三点十五分,他曾从恩尼斯的通衢大道四号詹姆斯卡伦普通服装店购买了一顶崭新而时髦的特级硬壳平顶草帽尽管并非由于此举,然而在此举之前,他于前文中所述的时刻与地点,购买了前边提到的毒剂。