The normal form calculation of the inner resonances systems 内共振系统的范式计算
On internal resonance of nonlinear vibration of axially moving beams 轴向运动梁非线性振动内共振研究
Singular analysis of bifurcation of nonlinear normal modes for a class of systems with dual internal resonances 双重内共振系统非线性模态分岔的奇异性分析
The 1 : 1 internal resonance of the stay cable coupling the in - plane and out - of - plane modes is analyzed 本文对斜拉索的1 : 1面内、外模态耦合内共振进行了研究。
We got the averaged equations of the system in three resonant cases . those are principal parametric resonance and 1 : 1 internal resonance , principal parametric resonance and 1 : 2 internal resonance and principal parametric resonance and 1 : 3 internal resonance 这三种共振情形分别是1 : 1内共振和主参数共振; 1 : 2内共振和主参数共振; 1 : 3内共振和主参数共振。