

发音:   用"内体"造句
  • capsule
  • endosome
  • inner body


  1. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view . though we once regarded christ in this way , we do so no longer
  2. He was dressed in a dark - green frock coat , breeches of the colour of the cuisse de nymphe effray e , as he called it , stockings and slippers
  3. Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh ; even though we have known christ according to the flesh , yet now we know him in this way no longer
    林后5 : 16所以我们从今以后、不凭著外貌原文作内体本节同认人了虽然凭著外貌认过基督、如今却不再这样认他了。
  4. Translocation from endocytic compartments to the cytosol is the essential and rate - limiting step in the intoxication process of most toxins such as ricin , diphtheria toxin , shiga toxin and pseudomonas exotoxin ( pe ) . a number of these toxins are transported to trans - golgi network ( tgn ) , and in many cases such transport to the tgn is required for the translocation and cytotoxicity . in deed , 5 % of the ricin endocytosed by cells has been shown to reach the tgn
  5. A single molecule of rta is able to depurinate 1500 - 2000 ribosomes per minute . ricin b chain ( rtb ) is a galactose - specific lectin which binds to the receptors on cell surfaces , and may enhance rta translocation by forming a pore in the membrane of intracellular organelles . ricin enters the cells by receptor - mediated endocytosis
    内吞进入细胞的蓖麻毒素一部分返回到膜表面,一部分经早期内体至晚期内体,最后在溶酶体中降解,只有一小部分约5到达高尔基体,随后逆转运到粗面内质网,在那里rta才和rtb解离,游离出有催化活性的rta 。



  1. "内提沃特"英文
  2. "内提睾肌"英文
  3. "内蹄式制动器"英文
  4. "内蹄外张式制动器"英文
  5. "内蹄制动器"英文
  6. "内体;核内体"英文
  7. "内体壁"英文
  8. "内体房"英文
  9. "内体管"英文
  10. "内体管壁"英文


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