A beekeeper, seeing the bee collect pollen from flowers and carry it to the hive, says that it exists to gather honey . 一个养蜂人看见蜜蜂从花里收集花粉,带去蜂房,就说蜜蜂为了采蜜而存在。
He keeps honeybees , so we call him a beekeeper 他养了很多蜜蜂,于是我们称他为养蜂人。
Hey , who got you the beekeepers in budapest 嘿,是谁帮你找到budapest (匈牙利首都)养蜂人的?
Us beekeepers report a decrease of 70 % of their hives 美国养蜂人报告说他们的麻蜂数量下降了7成。