The cathedral and churches of echmiatsin and the archaeological remains at zvartnots graphically illustrate the evolution and development of the armenian central - domed cross - hall type of church , which exerted a profound influence on architectural and artistic development in the region 亚美尼亚埃奇米河津教堂与兹瓦尔特诺茨考古遗址体现了亚美尼亚圆顶四瓣形教堂的发展演变过程,它对该地区的建筑和艺术发展都产生了深远的影响。
兹: this瓦: tile; put tiles on a roof; c ...尔: you阿兹瓦尔: azwar贝兹瓦尔德: bezvald罗兹瓦尔德: rozvald奈兹瓦尔: nezval彭兹瓦尔托: penzvalto松兹瓦尔: sundsvall松兹瓦尔报: sundsvalls tidning维兹瓦尔迪: vizvardi; vizvardy伊兹瓦尔塔: izvalta兹瓦尔采夫: zvartsev兹瓦尔东: zwardon兹瓦特瓦尔: zwartewaal贝兹瓦尔多娃: bezvaldova曼克兹瓦尔姆: munkzwalm兹瓦尔古利斯: zvargulis阿兹瓦尔阿纳斯: azwar anas兹瓦尔科夫斯基: zvarkovski; zvarkovsky兹瓦尔特诺茨教堂: zvartnots church下兹瓦尔姆海默尔海姆: nederzwalm hermelgem创造有利于健康的环境松兹瓦尔会议: sundsvall conference on creating supportive environments for health教堂及兹瓦尔特诺茨考古遗址: the cathedral and churches of echmiatsin and the archaeological site of zvartnots埃奇米河津的教堂和兹瓦尔特诺茨考古遗址: the cathedral and churches of echmiatsin and the archaeological site of zvartnots