

发音:   用"典型溺死"造句
  • typical drowning


        典型:    typical case; typical exampl ...
        溺死:    be drowned be addicted to
        非典型溺死:    atypical drowning
        干型溺死:    dry drowning
        湿型溺死:    wet drowning
        溺死:    death from drowning; tn tn.p kill in this way
        非溺死:    a dry death; dry death
        溺死;淹没:    drown
        溺死肺:    lung of the drowned
        溺死鬼:    drowning ghost; strandvaskaren
        使溺死:    drown
        典型:    1.(在同类中最具有代表性的人或事) typical case; typical example; model; type; specimen 典型示范 demonstrate with typical examples; 完美的典型 a model of perfection; 树先进典型 set examples of advanced individuals; 他是个智勇双全的典型。 he gave an example of bravery and wisdom.2.(具有代表性的) typical; representative 典型的现代少女 the typical modern girl; 一个典型的中国城市 a representative chinese city; 这幅画是一幅典型的伦勃朗作品。 this painting is a typical rembrandt.3.(文艺作品中用艺术概括的手法创造出来的具有鲜明的个性特征, 又能反映一定社会本质的某些方面、表现人的阶级性的艺术形象) model personalities (即“典型人物”、“典型形象”、“典型性格”); 典型案件 typical case; 典型标本 type specimen; 典型成分 typical composition; 典型抽样 typical sampling; 典型调查 typical investigation; 典型工作性能 typical performance; 典型工作周期(计) representative circulating time; 典型化 typification; 典型级配 typical grading; 典型计算操作 representative calculating operation; 典型计算机 typical computer; 典型矩阵 [数学] canonical matrix; 典型控制 classical control; 典型例证 case history; 典型人物 typical character; 典型设计 typical [modular] design; 典型示范 demonstration by example; typical cases publicized as models; 典型事例 typical case; 典型试验 typical test; 典型数据 typical data; 典型问题 typical problem; 典型形象 typical image; 典型性格 typical character [personalities]
        迟发溺死:    delayed drowning
        近乎溺死:    near drowning
        快溺死的:    drowing
        溺死, 葬身鱼腹:    watery grave
        溺死梦娜:    drowning mona
        溺死泡沫:    foam in the freshly drowned
        溺死小猫:    drown a kitten
        不典型:    atypical
        典型,缩影:    epitome
        典型的:    canonical; exemplary; ideal; modal; quintessential; representative; sample; true to type; typal; typical a. very usual of a type; tytypical
        典型地:    representatively; typically
        典型化:    typification
        典型解:    type solution


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