具: utensil; tool; implement逐年: year by year; year after yea ...结果: result; outcome; fruit; endi ...茎: stem; stalk的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...果茎的: caulocarpous大小年结果: alternate bearing隔年结果: alternate bearing连年结果: annual fruiting年年结果: annual bearing年年结果树: annual bearer周期性结果,隔年结果: periodicity of fruiting这些树每年结果子: these trees fruit annually年结: year end逐年: year by year; year after year; with each passing year 产量逐年上升。 the output is increasing year by year.; production has been increasing year after year.; 逐年计算折旧 compute depreciation on an annual basis茎的: caulinar; cauline年结日: balance sheet date年结束: the history teacher said that world war i came to an end in逐年;每年: year by year逐年地: i ingulosa os; in singulos annos抱茎的: amplexicaular; stem clasping; stemclasping长茎的: long stalked; long-stalked单茎的: haplocaulous根茎的: rhizomatic黑茎的: black stalked