其实: actually; in fact; as a matt ...你: you的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...信念: faith; belief; conviction; p ...就: come near; move towards已经: already动摇: shake; vacillate; waver; inf ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...坚定的信念就是成功: the firm purpose is equal to the deed她愤怒的话语使他以为她爱他的信心动摇了: her angry words jolted him out of the belief that mary loved him很多人尝试打破你的信念: everybody's trying to break your spirit动摇信念: shake a conviction已经动手: in hand却彻底动摇了她的: mr.big就已经结束了: have already ended一旦你发现你的伴侣 你就已经在回家的路上: once you’ve found that lover you’re homeward bound坚定的信念: attic faith生活的信念: faith to keeliving我的信念: this i believe小小的信念: a little faith自己的信念: and what i believe in动摇了旧制度的内乱: civil unrest which shook the framework of the old system你的信: ylet your letter使某人的信念: extinguish one's faith / hope乡下人的信念: lesson a countryman‘s creed