

发音:   用"其它收款"造句


  1. In the event other billing options , such as collect billing andor any other third party billing options , are available for the customer s use with the application , the customer agrees to guarantee payment of all charges , including any additional charges , related to the customer s shipments in the event of nonpayment by the consignee or third party
    若“客户”使用“应用程序”时有其它收款选择,例如向收件人收款( collectbilling )和(或)向任何第三方收款, “客户”同意保证倘收件人或第三方拒绝付款, “客户”将支付与其运送有关的所有费用,包括任何“额外费用” 。


        收款:    make collections
        其它收货:    other goods receipts
        其它收入:    other income
        财务及其它收入:    finance and other income
        其它收益和亏损:    other gains and losses; other revenues and expenses
        其它应收款:    allowance for uncollec- tible accounts - other receivables; other receivables
        其它预收款:    other advance receipts
        备抵呆帐 - 其它应收款:    allowance
        其它长期应收款项:    other long-term receivables
        收款:    make collections◇收款处 cash desk; cashier's (desk); 收款率 collection rate; 收款明细单 collection schedule; 收款凭单 warrant; 收款员 receiving teller; cashier
        其它:    accrued taxes payable- other; elisa; long-term loans payable - other; misc miscellaneous; miscellaneous assets other; miscellaneous liabilities - other; other current assets - other; other current assets-other; other current liabilities - others; other intangible assets - other; other intangible assets-other; other long-term liabilities - other; other non-operating expenses- other; other non-operating revenue- other items; other operating costs - other; other operating costs-other; other operating revenue - other; other payables - other; other receivables - other; other receivables-other; scissors; short-term borrowings - other; short-term investments - other; short-term investments-other; the others; unix
        然后,他就把它收回去:    and then he takes it back
        然后他就把它收着:    and then he takes it back
        代收款:    agency receipt; collection for others; receipts under custody
        待收款:    a/p=account payable; a/r=acount receivable
        收款处:    cashier; revenue collecting office
        收款额:    receipt
        收款法:    collection method
        收款费:    collection fees
        收款机:    cash register; cashing machine
        收款率:    collection rate
        收款期:    collection period
        收款权:    einzugsermä
        收款人:    payee◇收款人帐 account payee
        收款书:    covering warrant


  1. "其它石材"英文
  2. "其它时候"英文
  3. "其它什么事"英文
  4. "其它事项"英文
  5. "其它收货"英文
  6. "其它收入"英文
  7. "其它收益和亏损"英文
  8. "其它手工装订"英文
  9. "其它受压件控制"英文
  10. "其它塑料产品"英文


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